Uses: Smaller Acacia with rounded bushy form. Good tree for arid areas. Useful as a fast growing screen or to stabilize soil. The shallow roots of this plant can inhibit growth to plants around it. Indigenous people used the seeds to make flour and the roots are habitat for witchetty grubs.
This plant is indigenous to the following botanical regions of South Australia.
:NW: North Western
:LE: Lake Eyre
:NU: Nullarbor
:GT: Gairdner-Torrens
:FR: Flinders Rangers
:EA: Eastern
:EP: Eyre Peninsula
:NL: Northern Lofty
:MU: Murray
:YP: Yorke Peninsula
:SL: Southern Lofty
:KI: Kangaroo Island
:SE: South Eastern
For detail on these regions refer to the user guide.