Hakea vittata
Striped Hakea

Uses: Low straggly to prostrate Hakea with rich sprays of white blossoms in spring. Useful as a groundcover or filler plant in native gardens. Flowers attract nectar eating birds and insects.

This plant is indigenous to the following botanical regions of South Australia.

:GT: Gairdner-Torrens      
:EP: Eyre Peninsula
:MU: Murray
:SL: Southern Lofty
:KI: Kangaroo Island
:SE: South Eastern
For detail on these regions refer to the user guide.

  • Height 0.5-2m
  • Spread 1-3m
  • Position
    • position-fullsun Full Sun
    • position-partshade Part Shade
  • Family Proteaceae
  • Botanical Name Hakea vittata
  • Common Name Striped Hakea
  • Origin SA, Qld
  • Habit Dense, Spreading
  • Landscape Plains, Footslopes, Hills
  • Soil Texture Sand, Loam, Clay
  • pH Acidic, Alkaline, Neutral
  • Tolerates Drought
  • Supplementary Watering Minimal
  • Flower Colour White
  • Flowering Time Spring
  • Flower Type Clusters
  • Purpose Ornamental, Habitat
  • Form Medium Shrub (Usually between 1.2m & 3.6m)