Corymbia ficifolia
Red Flowering Gum

Uses: Highly ornamental, prolific flowering gum for parks and reserves. Can be used  as a feature, wind-break or screen.
White, pink, orange and red flowering varieties ar available.  Not suitable for narrow streetscapes due to spread and lignotubers. Responds well to pruning.
Sensitive to alkalinity and salinity.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects and makes an excellent habitat tree.
Note: Formerly Eucalyptus ficifolia

  • Canopy Shape canopy-open Open
  • Height 6-10m
  • Spread 3-5m
  • Position
    • position-fullsun Full Sun
  • Family Myrtaceae
  • Botanical Name Corymbia ficifolia
  • Common Name Red Flowering Gum
  • Origin WA
  • Habit Spreading, Dense
  • Landscape 2nd line coast, Coastal footslopes, Plains
  • Soil Texture Sand, Loam
  • pH Acidic, Neutral
  • Tolerates Drought
  • Supplementary Watering Minimal
  • Flower Colour Red
  • Flowering Time Spring, Summer
  • Foliage Dark-green
  • Flower Type Eucalypt-type
  • Purpose Ornamental, Habitat
  • Evergreen/Deciduous Evergreen
  • Trunk Smooth
  • Form Medium Tree (Usually between 5m & 11m)