Uses: Syn. C. preissi. As a wind-break or screen in parks and along roadsides. Tolerant of coastal locations. Can be grown as a stand alone specimen or grouped as an eye catching landscape feature. Bird attracting for food source and habitat.
Cultural use: Resin and wood used by indigenous peoples to make weapons, tools and implements.
Note: This species is provisionally classified schedule 1, Regulation 24.2 under the Sewerage Act. Written approval is required prior to planting in streets or roads. It should not be planted closer than two metres to any sewer main or connection.
This plant is indigenous to the following botanical regions of South Australia.
:GT: Gairdner-Torrens
:FR: Flinders Rangers
:EA: Eastern
:EP: Eyre Peninsula
:MU: Murray
:YP: Yorke Peninsula
:KI: Kangaroo Island
:SE: South Eastern
For detail on these regions refer to the user guide.