Acer negundo
Box Elder Maple

Uses: Popular Acer for parks and larger gardens.
Tolerates a wide variety of conditions.
Care should be taken when planting near bushland particularly along watercourses as this species has become weedy in many parts of south eastern Australia.
As an alternative use the Acer negundo 'Sensation'. cultivar. This is described as a fruitless (i.e.. sterile) variety. Note: These trees and shrubs are listed in Regulation 24.3 under the Sewerage Act and may be planted in any street or road in any drainage area not closer than 3.5 metres to any sewer main or connection. In home gardens, too, they should not be planted closer than 3.5 metres to any sewer pipe.

  • Canopy Shape canopy-oval_d Oval
  • Height 6-12m
  • Spread 5-6m
  • Position
    • position-fullsun Full Sun
  • Family Aceraceae
  • Botanical Name Acer negundo
  • Common Name Box Elder Maple
  • Origin North America
  • Habit Erect
  • Landscape Plains, Footslopes, Hills
  • Soil Texture Clay, Loam, Sand
  • pH Acidic, Alkaline, Neutral
  • Tolerates Drought, Pollution
  • Supplementary Watering Moderate
  • Flower Colour Pink
  • Flowering Time Spring
  • Foliage Green
  • Flower Type Spikes
  • Purpose Ornamental
  • Evergreen/Deciduous Deciduous
  • Seasonal Colour Autumn
  • Trunk Smooth
  • Form Tall Tree (Usually exceeds 10m)